spaceOS proudly joins the Nordics PropTech scene
As the Proptech scene has steadily grown in demand over the recent years, there’s one area of the globe that has clearly stood out due to its success in creating an impressive landscape for proptech startups to not only emerge but thrive.
The Nordics have become a referent in the evolving proptech scene, with communities and initiatives forming throughout Scandinavia, propelling joint collaboration, networking and innovation among industry professionals, experts and investors. With a steady stream of exceptional startups and incredible organisations designed to support and aid them along their path to success, there’s no doubt that the Nordics offer a fruitful terrain for real estate innovation.
“The rising Nordic PropTech scene is one to watch” establishing that “With the biggest population (10 million) and the largest number of PropTechs (141), Sweden stands out in front, boasting 14 PropTech per million on a per capita basis. Not far behind is Norway with a per capita innovation of 13 per million.”
These are exciting numbers pointed out by Unissu in a recent study, marking an exceptional moment in time for any proptech company fortunate enough to be present in the Nordics.

Image sourced from Unissu.com
spaceOS joins Proptech Denmark and Proptech Sweden
With numerous exciting prospects on the horizon in the Nordics, spaceOS was eager to bring our own expertise to the table. Having operated in Scandinavia previously, building a rapport with clients, partners and experts, we are continuously eager to expand our network further, hence joining two best-in-class proptech-focused organisations, namely Proptech Sweden and Proptech Denmark.
Spearheaded by our Sales Director, Nordics, Kenneth Kromann, our collaboration began with an exciting month of events, networking and plenty of new opportunities.
Catching up with CRE leaders and field experts looking to attract and retain valuable tenants, effectively digitise their workspaces, as well as track and improve their carbon footprint in accordance with ESG standards, Kenneth shared insights and discussed the current climate, showcasing how spaceOS is bringing ESG data directly to tenants.
spaceOS and Proptech Denmark
Kicking off the month with a bang, Kenneth spent the first and second of June at Proptech Denmark. Known as “A non-profit member organization gathering and nurturing a community of proptech-minded industry players” Proptech Denmark “operates at the intersection of established real estate and the tech-driven innovators who are shaping the next generation of business models, products, and services”.
As a new joiner of this excellent community-driven organisation, spaceOS thoroughly enjoyed making new connections, learning from the best and catching up with the next-level innovation leaders of the proptech scene.

Delighted to be back for the Thursday Members Bar that took place on the 9th of June, Kenneth attended the exceptionally-organised networking event which of course, did not disappoint.
Sharing stories, insights and laughs with a remarkable group of professionals, Kenneth joined industry experts such as Søren Meiling, Regional Director at Robert C Spies, Klaus Grouleff, Head of Software at UbiqiSense ApS and Bjarke Kjær Schmidt, Sales and business development at Ennogie in discussing some of the proptech industry’s burning issues.
Chatting about ESG compliance and how today’s technology is helping to pave the way to decarbonated buildings, the much-needed digitisation of workspaces and the ever-evolving demand to adapt to new working environments, spaceOS is proud to have had the opportunity to attend and contribute. What a grand event it was!
We look forward to attending Proptech Denmark’s upcoming events and are excited to have the chance to continue learning and connecting with the best in the business.

spaceOS and Proptech Sweden
With another brand new membership to end the month of June just as strongly as we started, spaceOS attended our first Proptech Sweden event as an official member.
“Uniting business professionals, entrepreneurs and investors who want to build better spaces for people to live and work”, Proptech Sweden boasts an impressive calendar of events and a list of exceptional members. Uniting PropTech companies with clients, partners and companies, the organisation is an incredible international link for members and partners.
On the 17 June, Kenneth attended the impressive Summer Summit, enjoying amazing panel discussions such as the powerful exchange regarding digital Asset Management headed by Fredrik Fexe, VD at Nabo and Lisa Anger, Director of PropTech and Digital Strategy at Croisette Lars Skemark, at Lexium Förvaltning & Projekt AB.
The perfect chance to discuss the hottest trends in real estate in Sweden, it was a pleasure to hear from experts such as Rebekah Tobias, Head of Business Development at Marcol, Nikolas Samios, Managing Founder at PropTech 1, Idriss Goossens, Founder at RELEVATION and Natasha Terinova, Director at REACH UK who shared thoughts and insights on investment in the commercial real estate sector.
The fireside chat saw Petter Green, Digital business director at White and Alison Petty, architect and manager of Digital Matter at White discuss their thoughts on design, construction and reusability of materials.
It was an exceptional event made possible by the outstanding talent and bright minds sharing their knowledge. The perfect way to expand our business horizons within the property-technology field throughout Sweden, our exciting new membership promises great things.

Exciting times to come
As our Sales Director, Nordics, Kenneth Kromann so rightly states: “With our membership in both PropTech Sweden and Proptech Denmark, I hope that we’re given an arena that gives us additional business insights into the entire industry and allows us to expand, making new valuable business contacts to speed-up the Digital Transformation Journey in the Industry and create smart workplaces.”
We look forward to exciting times ahead and the amazing contribution to the proptech industry that will undoubtedly come from these collaborations